
At Validator Safes, we are committed to providing you with the best solutions for your security needs. Whether you need a smart deposit safe, a custom safe, or a biometric entry system, we have the expertise and the experience to deliver high-quality products and services. Here are some of the services we offer:

Biometric Entry

Custom Smart Safe Solutions

We can design and install smart deposit safes that integrate with your business operations and provide you with real-time data, remote access, and enhanced security. Our smart safes are equipped with advanced features such as cash validation, deposit tracking, audit reports, and alerts. We can customize our smart safes to fit your specific requirements and preferences.

Custom Safe Solutions

Custom Safe Solutions

We can also create custom safes that meet your unique needs and specifications. Whether you need a fireproof safe, a burglary-resistant safe, or a specialty safe, we can build it for you. We use high-quality materials and components to ensure durability and reliability. We can also add various electronic lock to enhance the functionality and security of your custom safe.

Installation of Safes

Installation of Safes

We offer professional installation of safes for residential and commercial customers. We can handle any type of safe, from small wall safes to large vaults. We have the tools and the skills to install your safe securely and efficiently. We can also advise you on the best location and configuration for your safe.


Safe Servicing

We provide regular maintenance and repair services for all kinds of safes. We can help you keep your safe in optimal condition and prevent any issues that may compromise its performance or security. We can also upgrade or replace any parts or components that may be worn out or damaged.

Biometric Entry

Biometric Entry

We can install biometric entry systems that use fingerprint, iris, or facial recognition to grant access to your safe or premises. Biometric entry systems offer convenience, accuracy, and security. They eliminate the need for keys or codes and prevent unauthorized access by anyone who does not have your biometric data.

Various Electronic Lock Retrofits

Various Electronic Lock Retrofits

We can retrofit your existing safe with various electronic locks that offer more features and benefits than traditional mechanical locks. Electronic locks are easier to use, more reliable, and more resistant to tampering or manipulation. They also allow you to change the combination easily, set multiple user codes, time locking, monitor access history, and more.

Book your free consultation.

If you are interested in any of our services, please contact us today for a free consultation and quote. We look forward to hearing from you and serving you with excellence.

What our customers have to say...

Dont just take our word for it, we’re incredibly honored to have some amazing customers who love our products as much as we do, here’s what some of them have to say.

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